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Volunteers keep this ministry going. 

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Volunteers keep this ministry going. We have many people volunteer throughout the summer within recreation, food service. and landscaping. Join in on the efforts while you're investing in a place that impacts thousands of lives for Christ by considering some of the opportunities below. 



Many of our groups participate in multiple activities during their stay. To make these activities successful we require a lot of staff. Recreation staff requires people who enjoy being active, outside, and interacting with others. Our goal is to challenge our guests while encouraging them to grow and lean into Christ. 

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Food Service

Our greatest and most direct need is in food service. Feeding the masses is a monumental task that we pull off three times every day. Most of our volunteers work in the dining facilities during meals where they have a “front line” chance to serve up a Christ-like example to hungry campers.


We’re a growing camp in more ways than one. And there’s a lot of green stuff that needs trimming, pruning or cutting. We let nature have its way with most of it but many areas require the skilled hands to get the job done. We need help with weed eating, weeding, mowing, and more! 

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